I have had a tremendous day yesterday out with friends buying crafty stuff and chatting craft as we drank coffee. I got home to find my new clarity stamps on the counter in the kitchen and then I came on my blog and saw that I have been given an award off the lovely Linda Walmsley! Thank you Linda and I accept it graciously! I shall display the badge with pride.
Linda has a lovely blog and thats why she was given the award! and now she has passed it on to me! Why not pop over to her blog for a nosey! http://lindylou-lifeinthecraftlane.blogspot.co.uk/
This award is designed for blogs that have less than 200 followers. Once the award has been accepted, the idea is to pay it forward to 5 other blogs that you like to read and follow, and hopefully encourage others to visit, read and follow them too.
To accept the award you have to ......
Thank the person who gave it to you, and link back to their blog
Post the award on your blog
Give the award to 5 other Bloggers, with less than 200 followers and leave a comment on their blogs telling them they've been nominated.
Here goes ........ my 5 nominations are ...
Jo Rice. My little crafty friend. And its right what they say....good things do come in small packages!! Jo is one of the most modest of people I know yet she has great talent! That's why she is on the indigo blu design team and other DTs too. Her blog JR Crafts is at http://jr-crafts.blogspot.co.uk/ and well worth a look!
Linda Page. She is a lovely lady and a fabulous crafter. She designs for the Clarity Challenge Blog and makes some gorgeous cards. Her blog is Linda's Handmade Cards is at http://lindyloushandmadecards.blogspot.co.uk/. Another one worth visiting.
Louise Withers. I have known Lou for a number of years but only just become reacquainted with her through crafting and become firm friends. She is another one of the modest type but her work is fab! Her blog Lous Creations is at http://lou-withers.blogspot.co.uk/ and is a definite one to visit!
Sam Crowe. I met Sam through facebook and then met up with her for real at Harrogate. She is a really talented lady and her work is really Arty! Sam loves inkyness and that can be seen on the work she does. Her blog SamsHomeCookedCards is at http://homecookedcards.blogspot.co.uk/ and is a must for all you stampists!
Lynne Hammond. I think Lynne is one of the most inspiring talented crafters I have ever met. She does the most amazing cards and is so inventive with her work. I suppose thats why she is on the Clarity Stamp DT. And yet she is another modest lady! Her blog Lynne's Crafty Little Blog is at http://lynnehcrafts.blogspot.co.uk/ and has to be one you look at!
There you go.
Congratulations ladies!
If you choose to accept the award, follow the instructions, grab the badge from the top of this post and display it on your blog. Don't forget to link back here to show who was inspired by your work and awarded you the Liebster. xx
Have a good time crafting!
Jane xx
Well its another month and so there is a new Challenge on offer over at the Clarity Stamp Challenge Blog...and what is is I hear you ask?
Well we have had some really bad weather recently and so the new challenge could be something that we won't have been doing much of!
In the Garden....
So here is my card that I did
and I want to say thanks to my friend Jo Rice who lent me the garden stamps. I didn't tell her why I needed them...just that I needed to do something with them! I also used my new bunny stamps to make the card
I was glad that I got the masks for the bunnies as it made things a whole lot easier!
I did the sky by cutting my own mask for the clouds....and made a note to myself to get a cloud mask as soon as possible!!
Here is a close up of the image!
I matted the image onto black and then stuck this onto the centre of a 21cm x 21cm card blank. I went round the edge with a fineliner pen and in the corner added the words In the Garden.
I then cut out 2 of the Memory box die 'Leafy Branch' one black one green and stuck it to overhang the image.
I hope you have a go at the challenge. Lots of people had a go last month and it was great to see all the fabulous cards and projects you all made.
Why not have a look at the Clarity Challenge Blog for more inspiration and believe me.... there is plenty there. If you have a blog you can enter that way, if not you can send in your entry via email. Don't be shy!
The winner will be picked by random generator....just make sure that you only use stamps by Clarity Stamps.
I hope you like my project and I look forward to seeing lots of great projects from you all.
Good Luck and Happy Crafting.
Jane xx